June 2021
Brittany Campaign 1944 (Part 3)
The historic old walled town of Saint Malo, on the northern coast of Brittany. Battle for Saint Malo U.S. 83rd Infantry Division Once across the River Rance and following the [...]
March 2021
Brittany Campaign 1944 (Part 2)
Advance from Pontaubault to Dol De Bretagne. On the morning of 1st August 1944 United States forces had captured four bridges over the Selune River at Pontaubault. General George S. Patton who had formally [...]
February 2021
The Brittany Campaign 1944
The stone bridge over the Selune River. The Brittany Campaign 1944 U.S. 4th Armoured Division's capture of the bridges at Pontaubault opens the way into Brittany. Once through Pontaubault, the U.S. forces [...]
August 2020
Lee Miller, US Forces War Correspondent
Lee Miller, model and photojournalist. In 1942,the former model Lee Miller, of Ploughkeepsie, New York, (Lady Penrose, upon marriage to Anthony Penrose in 1947) became the only woman in that year to receive US forces [...]
April 2020
6th Airborne Division. D-Day Conclusions
6th Airborne Division: How effective was its contribution to the success of the D-Day landings in Normandy 1944? Malcolm A. Clough D-Day Tours of Normandy A dissertation, posted in seven parts (plus appendices) [...]
6th Airborne Division: The Actions and Outcomes of Operations. Part 6.
6th Airborne Division: How effective was its contribution to the success of the D-Day landings in Normandy 1944? Malcolm A. Clough D-Day Tours of Normandy A dissertation, posted in seven parts (plus appendices) [...]